Well looks like Norman is pretty much in "Psycho" mode. From the start, the series shows us a more or less "normal/shy" Norman. He didn't seem like he'd be Psycho. Then little by little we see his very creepy side. Remember the episode when his brother comes downstairs and Norman is cooking dressed like his mother? panic He says "Norman is still sleeping. What do you want for breakfast." lol CREEPY!

Now we are seeing his conversations with his dead mother. The series has really given us backdrop of Norman Bates pre Psycho and now will end right at the point where Marion checks into the hotel. Not sure if they'll show the famous shower scene or if it'll end right there.

When I first started watching Bates Motel, I wasn't sure at all about the guy playing Norman (Freddy Highmore). But he and Vera Farmiga are absolutely perfect for the parts and both good actors.

IMO I think Hitchcock and Anthony Perkins would be very pleased with this series.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 02/21/17 12:31 PM.

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