Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
When crazy joe kidnapped several Profaci men in 1961 colombo at 33 y was just a capo and made a deal for free the men (he was in the group) but after gallo freed them he cut the deal and the war start. He was choose because was the most powerful and smart between the Profaci men.

Actually not entirely true. And a little known fact, The Gallos were being backed by Tony Bender, whom were very good friends with Larry. The kidnappings were Larry & Tony's idea, and to use them for bargaining leverage. Joey wanted to kill them because he knew Profaci wouldnt hold up to his end of the deal, and he turned out being right. Neither Larry nor Bender expected that at the time. The Gallos also had the backing of many Colombo captains, who also thought Profaci was being greedy. Frankie Shots, Charlie The Sidge, Jiggs Forlano, etc among them. Joe Colombo had little to do with "sorting out" anything. And in fact he was among the Profaci captains and loyalists whom were kidnapped by the Gallos. The Gallos & Profacis were cordial until Profaci ordered them to kill Frankie Shots, Frankie Shots was one of the Capos whom were giving the Gallos inside info on Profaci, so they passed the hit down to Carmine Persico & Joe Gioelli. They did it, but then Profaci wanted to kill Abby Shots, the Gallos flat out refused and hid Abby away on President Street. And that was the end and the beginning of the Gallo-Profaci war, the first half anyway. Profaci was the one whom capitulated and Colombo had little to do with their release, however Joey didnt trust Profaci and wanted to kill all the captives, Joe Magliocco literally pissed himself. Larry proving he was a bad war time boss, trusted Profaci when he shouldnt have, and let them go. Immediately after this Profaci reneged on his promises and ordered the murders of Larry, Joey, Punchy Illiano, a Mooney, and Gennaro "Chitoz" Basciano. Abby Shots was eventually killed as well, and the killing of Tony Bender by the Genovese removed The Gallos active outer family support.