
Joey was there EVERY night I was ever in the place. We had a few small conversations, he seems like an ok guy , but I'm not in business with him nor am I a book that he owes money to.......

You know, I'm sure its this way anyplace you go. But you have the "real" guys, and then you have shitloads of wannabees. Guys with pinky rigs drinking Sambuca "wit da tree beans in it" you know it baby "gotta have da tree beans in da buca"

I'm working in a place now that is a super heavy hangout. And I can say that for all my years working clubs its the more understated guys who are the real heavy weights. I mean they all dress nice and have pinky rings but the real heavy guys just aren't as loud. They are the ones who will very quietly come up and slip you a hundred dollar bill and whisper the name of a song they would like you to play for the girl they are with.

The fake wiseguys will make sure everybody sees their 20 dollar bill go into the tip jar and then ask for "My Way".

Its always "My Way"

Is it okay if I say that I absolutely hate that song????

I worked a lot with Sinatra Jr. and he always talked about his Father hating to sing "My Way", and how he would groan when it came time for it in the show.

(sung the the tune "My Way")

And now, the time has come, for good old Sal, to end his po-ost.....