If you ever read the Sam DeCalvacante wiretaps, it makes it seem as if the entire family was loyal to Bonanno. For a while, his entire administration was defying the Commission, if what he says is true. One old time member whom supposedly was a part of the administration for the time, an Angelo Caruso, was great friends with Sam, Sam requested to meet with Caruso and explain the Bonanno-Commission situation to him, and Caruso flat out tells Sam that he was ordered by Bonanno, not to talk to anyone from any other family. Sam took this as a personal slight. Sam thing with Joe Notaro for a time, another capo, the commission sent for him, and word was sent back to the Commission that the "adminstration is staying behind Joe Bonanno". Sam is talking to Joe Bayonne and telling him this, and Bayonne too, was saying he would remain loyal to his "father". During a convo with his underboss Frank Majuri, he says "..He said that Gasparino was the one who started the ball rolling. They're blaming him", this is in reference to the Bonanno admin as a whole, and them being upset with Di Gregorio for even starting conversations with the commission. Joe Bonanno was seriously going to have him killed and the family was going to do it, but the Commission hid Di Gregorio and Bonanno didn't know where to find him, thats the only reason why he remained breathing. And the Commission feared Bonanno, again according to Sam The Plumber, they felt he was getting too powerful, they were angry at Bonanno for sending his son down to California, with "40 men" in an attempt to takeover the LA Families rackets. The Commission put a halt to this too. But Bonanno continued to make new guys, they were upset that he was extending his power and influence by making guys in Arizona and Canada. It's a lot more too about the whole prelude to the so-called "Bananas War".