El Mariachi (92/Robert Rodriguez/Mexico, US) 7.5/10

A movie with a solid and interesting story for as low as $7000 budget. What Rodriguez thought would be a limited video release in Mexico made it far better than he thought. If you ever watch this movie please do watch the extras and that 10 minute filming workshop on how to make a movie with a low budget. It has some great acting as well. Rodriguez earned $7000 by volunteering in a clinical experiment for three weeks.

Desperado (95/Robert Rodriguez/US, Mexico) 6/10

It doesn't have anything new to offer us after El Mariachi, except to show us what the original would have been when it is made in Hollywood with a higher budget and maybe better actors. I was really disappointed with this sequel. I'm still to watch the third installment, Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones