Originally Posted By: pmac
Ya but chin went back with savino to 1980 seems like he liked the guy. He saved his life to. Chin had savinos business partner pappa whacked for those hits up other connected guys. The window scam didnt come up to later. Did the feds create the scam to entrap all these guys. You got to even wonder why amuso n casso were caught by savino they should had a soldier dealing with him but the greed.

Gas and Amuso used an associate to deal with Savino, Sonny "Blue" Morrissey to deal with Savino. Sonny Blue was a business agent for Local 580 of the Architectural and Ornamental Workers Union. As soon as Savino was outed as a rat they whacked Sonny Blue to cut links that could tie them to the Windows Case. Too much evidence was already obtained though by that time and they killed Blue for no reason because he wasn't even a rat. They just took a precaution and gave the contract to Fat Pete Chiodo. Fat Pete should've been the one whacked because he later ratted.

Chin did mess up by taking in associate Savino. He saw the immense profits in the Windows scam and didn't want to share. He should've done like Gas and Vic did and put Savino under an associate, not a soldier, involved in Union business. He also should've have taken Gas' word that Savino was a rat.