Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Belmont: I think you are right , Nick loved the sport but I never seen him in the courtyard of his property hitting a bag or even when the boys got older did not have heavy bags hanging in the yard under the porches or decks.( he did have pictures and gloves in his office and the big one he got from Rocky Marciano brother )

The time with the longshoremen I am sure he was pushed , he was the type to let you say something and walk away to wait a day or a year or ten years to come back at you.

And also about the longshoremen and Bruno banishing or not liking Nick is bullshit !!! And it's been told by family as bullshit for as long as I can remember.

Bruno would be at Nicks in the summer many times ..... trust me when you see the Boss of the Philly mob come down Georgia ave that in the summer would be packed with kids in the street cos the schoolyard was right there and we used it and the street as a ball field , so people would know when when Bruno was coming up the street not always but often.

Bruno kept Nick close cos of his uncles Bruno knew there was no love there so he had a edge keeping tract of the family on that end.

Nick was not banished he took over his skippers rackets and his family was here , it all came around the same time.

It's is not like every soldier was making a fortune in Philly back then so Nick knew that all the many many mob guys from NY and other groups were getting very old in AC and knew it would be all his.

Don't forget 20 years before Nick came here you had a major underworld figure evevy three blocks !!!!!

AC was no joke , it was loaded with mob guys cos it was excepted .

Every mayor did time or was totally involved in illegal activity until the 90s !!!!
Serp..Was'nt skinny razors territory also A.C.??...that would also make sense for nick...

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...