Yesterday I watched Lost in translation . Ok, it's a good movie. A little bit overrated, though. There are great moments, especially the funny ones about the American strangers in Tokio, but when it comes to the screen writing - which won Sofia Coppola an Oscar - I was a bit disappointed. I think it could have been better elaborated. A lost occasion. The topic was interesting, even if definitely not the most original one can think of. But the greatest thing about this movie is definitely Bill Murray's performance. He is absolutely great here. Funny in the amusing scenes and soberly desperate in the dramatic ones. Always credible, in sum. Remembering him mostly for his comic roles, I did not know he was such a great actor.


The ending sequence is nice. Sofia did not let us know what Bob is whispering to Scarlett's ear. She tried not to be corny, maybe? Anyway, she purposedly chose not to let us know. I found the detail enchanting. Letting us know if the two of them have a future as a couple (which I tend to believe, don't ask me why though, 'cause I don't know...)or not would have been trivial, unnecessary, redundant. Generally I don't appreciate those "open" endings in films, but this time I think it was the best choice. Two stranger souls meet in a stranger (more than stranger, alien!!) city and for a short time they happen to be as close as only twin souls can be. That is a miracle per se. We don't need know more.

I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people. I do misrepresent things. I don't tell the truth. I tell what ought to be truth (Blanche/A streetcar named desire)