Man Mick, it looks like you and I had the same idea

This summer I want to try to watch as many of the AFI's Top 100 List and I didn't mean to start it yet, but I'm going to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith probably next week or the week after so I figured I would watch all 5 of them before heading into the theater. Today I was able to watch the original trilogy:

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope #15 on the AFI Top 100 List
I did enjoy these movies more the 2nd time around. I had seen these movies before but I really enjoyed them the last time I saw them a couple of months ago and even more today.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is probably my favorite from the original trilogy. The ending I like better than Jedi and it has that moment where we find out the connection between Luke and Vader.

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi I did enjoy this movie very much but I just like Empire more for the above reason. I don't hate the ewoks like so many before me have. And I would dare say it gives Empire a run for its money, but it's just not the best to me.