Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace ** (3rd time)
1999, Lucas, US
When a young queen's planet is invaded by a powerful trade federation, two Jedi Knights come to the rescue.
Despite some wretched casting, the special effects are really something, and it fills the many gaps in the often boring script with dazzling set-pieces.

Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones ** (2nd time)
2002, Lucas, US
Anakin Skywalker undergoes Jedi training from a master while the galaxy's politics take an upheaval.
At times, this is even duller than Episode I, while at others it is even more extravagant; the romance has little emotional pull, and the humans once again play secondary roles to special effects.

Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith *** (1st time)
2005, Lucas, US
A change in balance of the Force takes place amidst war: Anakin is led astray of the Jedi way, and the Dark Lord wages war on all of the Jedi council.
Considering we know where it's leading, this is fascinating and compelling stuff; exhiliratingly made, with many different things happening at once. The final lightsabre showdowns are amazing, and, unlike its recent predecessors, it carries emotional conviction.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?