Originally posted by AllAboutTheFamily:
Come on, everyone in that position, with power, had a mistress and everyone around them knew about it. Sonny was just the only one who was really exploited. Sure he may have been a little hornball but you know Mike did, Carlo, well enough said about him, Tom the most thought provokoing and intellegent guy but even he cheated on his wife. Now Vito, well I wouldn't think that Vito cheated on Momma Corleone, because he was older and more traditional but thats the only reason. Had Vito been younger and in the same position, even eith the same morals he probably would have had a mistress. It was no big deal to them, it was perfectly normal.

Sonny was probably the closest to Tom-if it wasn't for Sonny, Tom would not have even been there-so the look Sonny gave was probably just embarrassment. It wasn't like he was even thinking "Darn! Pop knows I'm cheating", it was more like "Darn! Pop is aggrivating me about cheating".

But even though Vito was very offended, that is just the way things were.
That is your interpretation, and a good one. To me, Sonny's look at Tom was "Oh sh__, how did Pop know? Did you squeal?"

"...for old times' sake?"