
I might have to check it out, question, you have an idea how many active cartels in Mexico, with intercontinental capabilities? Is it only Sinaloa at this point?
Also, for the love of God ARE THE ZETAS STILL A CARTEL?

@ Sinatra

Pretty Much, lol

@ Foot reads

My point was that instead of REALLY actually caring, or DOING anything to help the situation, he will use it as an excuse to wage a " War on Violence", which ironically, is in large part an after effect of the " War on Drugs". Basically a war on the inner city disguised as being tough on crime.

You figure they can perp walk Chapo, and say' " See, this is the type of guy we should be scared of", and then he can do his " War on Immigration", let's build a wall thing. Like all this shit is very familiar.

It's like the violence in Mexico. A lot of that carnage came from guns trafficked out the US. Well who owns the guns? Corporations that hire lobbyist that make it hard to properly legislate gun control. Then the politicians take a payoff, then whine about the violence they helped enable, because it's a narrative that works in a political climate, Tough on Crime.... I mean the hippocracy....

Chicago seems to figure in his political trajectory, rather largely...

I don't even understand your comment. Aren't you the same guy who told a story of a biker killing a guy's whole family over some stupid ass reason. It stands out in my mind because you really didn't seem AS DISGUSTED WITH THIS CASUAL BRUTALITY, ( you seemed to kinda relish telling the story, in a similar way Smeary swoons over cartel death photos...) as you seem about Chicago murders that only affect black people in Chicago. It just kinda strikes me as false outrage. (You also made some,.........uncomfortable references to your own violent background, I would never judge you like that dude, I didn't walk your shoes, understand? Like you don't know any of these people..)

Something else, man y'all need to stop with that Whites = Trump, Clinton = Blacks shit. I don't give a flying fuck about NO POLITICIAN. PERIOD. Or no Red or Blue, Left, Right, Liberal, Conservative, Millenial, Baby boomer, Tea Party, Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, White lives matter, ALL lives Matter! Jesus all the stupid fuckin divisive LABELS MAN. Where the common sense at? Cause Black, White, they all part of the same system.

You know how many educated blacks I know who didn't vote for Clinton, cause they read those emails and found out the Clinton Foundation stole a BILLION DOLLARS from the Haiti relief fund, at least, that's what they told me.

Do people even realize, some of us KNOW, that Libya was basically the Clintons version of the Iraq invasion. ( That the main thing I found so absurd about the " Email Scandal", none of these media people touched on WHY THE EMBASSY WAS ATTACKED, cause then they'd have to delve into shit they really don't want out there see?..) Another oil grab, ( and gold,) not to mention they built an irrigation system that would eventually have had Africa able to supply its OWN PEOPLE WITH FOOD. But then they wouldn't be dependent on humanitarian aid, with all the strangling, interest created debt that keeps nations weak and dependent. So,.........THEY BOMBED IT INTO THE FUCKIN GROUND!!!!!!


Couldn't have them violating the rules of the "Petrol based Dollar", (Libya was preparing to sell their OWN oil, in their OWN currency, as opposed to the dollar, as well as basing their OWN currency on the VERY large amount of gold reserves they held, and NOT the Central bank Federal Reserve nonsense) the media will tell you exactly jack shit about ANY of this.
(And as much as I respect what the man accomplished as far as getting to where he did, this shit happened on Obamas watch, this is the shit that had Lupe Fiasco calling him a terrorist and getting kicked off the stage at the Obama inauguration party...)
This is a little background on why some, not all, but SOME of us didn't vote for fuckin Hillary.

One of my good friends explained it real well to me. He said Americans have a " Sports Teams" mentality when it comes to politics. They just want their team/guy to WIN. TO BEAT THE OTHER SIDE. Issues and Morality and Commen sense be damned. We get mad and throw tantrums when our team does bad. Some of us even stick with our team even if it's a perennial loser, some are fair weather fans. Many are armchair quarterbacks. But at the END OF THE DAY, all these " Adversaries", live in the same or similar neighborhoods. Drink at the same bars, eat at the same restaurants, send their kids to similar or the same schools. They go to dinner together and LAUGH ABOUT THIS SHIT. They INTERACT in the same circles basically, THEY ARE LARGLY THE FUCKIN SAME PEOPLE. You gotta be blind, deaf and dumb to not see this.

I just had to illustrate, not all this shit is based on surface level bullshit. Some of us DO ACTUALLY pay attention to what's going on.....

Another rant done, I met my quota for the day, lol.......

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 01/22/17 07:02 AM.