One thing I've found in the past few years since getting back into this is visiting some of the locales you've read so much about or seen movies about can be interesting and fun. For example, I was up in New York last year and went to see Sparks Steakhouse--which looked completely different from how the different Castellano and Gotti movies showed the street. That was a much more intimate and in-your-face hit than them shooting on a Manhattan boulevard, which is how the movie Gotti at least showed it. One-way traffic on a narrow street!

Same thing in Philly--Merlino's old clubhouse, where he and Mikey Chang got shot, is on one of those classic South Philly streets, one way with cars parked on both sides, that is no wider than your average suburban driveway--you really get a sense of how effectively the Philly mob could use "blockers" to prevent cops or enemies from disrupting a hit.

In SP, of course, visiting some of the restaurants like Dante & Luigi's or Villa di Roma also shows you how impossible it would be to "anonymously" whack somebody downtown--way too intimate, way too much in the way of foot traffic, no easy escape onto an expressway or even a major boulevard. If you shoot someone at dinnertime in D & L, a lot of people see you do it, even if nobody saw nuthin.