Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
In a nutshell, I was wondering what you guys all do to keep your interest in the field of LCN?

I have been learning the history of it for about 5 years now and I know every big event that occured, I learned as much as I can about all the big name members.
Occasionally an article comes out that grabs my interest but, most of the stuff I read seems to be the same story, told in different words.
I have seen all the documentaries too.

The only book that is coming out soon that I will buy is the Ralph Natale book. Not sure it will contain anything earth shattering but I will give it a whirl.

So, do tell! How do you manage to still have an interest?

Don't limit yourself to books and docs, they are interesting but self serving to the authors and producers and only shed light on minute set of circumstances. Research FBI files and documents, Newspaper articles, Time Magazine articles etc.