Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Irishman, since nobody has replied to you, I'll recommend Donnie Darko. One of those love-or-hate, get-it-don't-get-it movies. Boasting lots of originality, a great score, acting, and very funny.
Grazie Capo. I have heard many people say they didn't like it while only a hand full say they did like it so I was guessing it was kind of those love it or hate it movies. However, I read what it was about on imdb.com and it seems interesting! 1988 Presidential campaign and giant bunnies, how can I go wrong?

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
The Passion of the Christ [no stars]
2004, Gibson, US

The final hours of Jesus as he tortured and crucified.
An unnecessary extension on the conclusive torture scene of Braveheart, this verges many times on the ridiculously absurd. Stylistically over done, unbalanced, and, despite its intentions, mindnumbingly dull.[/QB]
Wow, what a review. I personally loved the movie but that was a very nonagressive, open-minded review.