Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
tommy also killed a guy named foxy, this is rehashed in "the Sinatra club" by sal polisi..... foxy was a friend of gotti's crew. according to polisi. gotti drove up to him, and asked him if he wanted to be in on tommy's hit. so the question is, was tommy hit because of the murder of billy batts, or foxy, or both.

I don't believe it was either. Those murders happened years before. Lufthansa was the real reason Tommy was hit. He fucked up by raising his ski mask during the robbery and could be identified. I don't care what reasons Burke told Hill. Wiseguys shed crocodile tears when a "friend" was killed and would give any reason known to man to deflect suspicion. Tommy fucked up during the Heist. Jimmy was a nervous wreck after the robbery and Tommy got whacked right in the middle of Burke's hit spree. They threw Tommy to the wolves under the pretext of old murders he committed, but it was definitely a Lufthansa connected hit. If I was Burke, loose cannon Tommy would be one of the first on the hit list.