Originally Posted By: Biggie
Philip..as u alluded to..gets the life..he's not bucking the trend so to speak.. In that life, not everyone has to get along, but everyone has to have respect..Philip believes in that life, can't say much more on that...will say the writers just want to lump ' scarfo guys' together..cuz in sounds good..inaccurate...Phil like anyone else has some things working..he does keep to himself more than the others, but he has paper the others dont


And VegasMikey, you don't have to stop posting man, personally I've never seen you claim you were at one point Merlino's driver. But, you were just asked if you had any proof that the chart is messed up and inaccurate? And if so, to just contribute and help with the corrections, and assist the creators in creating a more accurate chart, and present sources to your findings. I think thats a reasonable request. No one, well I for one, were trying to attack you.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 01/05/17 02:46 AM.