Originally Posted By: DB
My first time I think I realized things were different for some kids was back in the 90s during the high school wrestling tournaments in NJ they had in Atlantic City me, all my friends n kids from a similar age from other towns would all go to AC to wile out , from age 15 on and it was a complete zoo as no parents and kids hopping from casino hotel to casino hotel with each town having their own parties , tubs filled with ice and beer and everyone going nuts until security closed down that party then on to the next ( best set up was when u and ur boys managed to get a room on same floor as it was more convenient ).

Anyway J Perna made the finals every year in the lower weight class , literally like 120s or under and he lost in the finals every year until his senior year ( kid was a sick wrestler - one of NJ best ever ) and I casually knew him then but my boy was tight with him and I Was either 16 or 17 and we were invited up to what I thought was a little get together as he had his own room I think and was maybe 17 at max , we went up to the top floor or close and this mother F'er had the millionaire big baller suite, I mean some insane shit where the chandelier was the size of a car and all window walls with the sickest view and a ceiling that was probably 20 feet high, spread of food for a king , no bull shit Bush light 30 pack cans in a bathtub but a huge bar w everything . Let's just say that when I became interested in that life as u had a 17 year old kid that weighed under 120 lbs w the Donald Trump room .

Man those wrestling tournaments were the days , AC was totally lawless back then, was 16 with braces and bush light cans in hand doubling down on 12s as I had no idea, kids popping mini thins and passing out , funneling a beer and then to an immediate blunt hit , lol , the 90s were the shit !

Great Post! Yeah I have a buddy a few years older than me who went to Seton Hall with John Perna, they were in the same frat there. I believe Perna was inducted into the Belleville HS Hall of Fame for Wrestling. Those days back in Seton Hall with all the gangsters sons attending were wild too! I was like 13-15 years old at the time.

On a side note, I always wonder and speculate if David Chase based/got the idea for AJ, Carlo, and Pats sons at Rutgers in The Sopranos on the scene in real life at Seton Hall in the late 1990s/early 2000s with the crew of the sons and nephews of Jersey Mafia guys attending there and having a tight little crew together? Just speculation....

Last edited by DanteMoltisanti; 01/02/17 11:44 AM.