Monkey Business **** (2nd Time)
1931, McLeod, US
Four stowaways are chased by the ship's captain; when they finally escape, they catch some crooks after crashing a party.
A classic Marx Brothers affair; the whole ship sequence, ending in Maurice Chevalier impersonations, is a delight, and although the subsequent party sees a change in pace and far less laughs, the musical interludes and hectic finale are not to be missed.

Lost in Translation *** (4th Time)
2003, Coppola, US/Jap
Two Americans in Japan, one an actor, the other a lonely wife over on her husband's business, meet up and enjoy each other's company.
Underplayed, humanistic drama executed with a minimalistic approach, which makes for warming, satisfying product; if the writing sometimes relies on jokes about the Japanese accent too much, the acting certainly compensates.

When Harry Met Sally **** (1st Time)
1989, Reiner, US
Ten years after and a few failed relationships after first meeting, a man and woman become friends, and wonder if their relationship can last as a platonic one.
Woody Allen territory: witty, funny, skilled, and highly warming; it takes us nowhere we haven't particularly been before, but instead acts as a compendium to the romantic comedy, and a brilliant one at that.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?