The Insider
(1999/Michael Mann)
**** out of ****
[First Viewing]

When a scientist is fired from a major tobacco company, his story is taken by a producer of the news program "60 Minutes", and his world (along with the staff of CBS) is turned upside down.

Mann covers new territory with the same old style, and it results into his best work. Though while the film is technically dazzling and extremely entertaining, it's best aspects are the performances it produces.
Al Pacino is at his fiery best. Russell Crowe proves with this role that he can play anyone convincingly. Christopher Plummer, giving the best performance in the film, is amazing as real life reporter Mike Wallace. Bruce McGill, who is not known for his acting ability, chews up the scenery in one of his only scenes. And character actors Philip Baker Hall and Steven Tobolowsky do well in their supporting roles.
In the end, the film is a mixture of "Network" and "All the President's Men", expressing themes of journalistic responsibility and corporate power for the new millennium.

How am I not myself?