The Philadelphia Story - (Cukor;1940;USA) - ***1/2
Two years after being kicked out by his wife, a man returns with a writer and photographer to ruin her next wedding.
Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart light up the screen along with the charismatic Katharine Hepburn. The plot is kept solid with the actors, even in slow parts the actors elevate the scenes. A great film with equally great humor.

Memento - (Nolan;2000;USA) - ****
A man with Anterograde Amnesia uses tattoos and notes to track down his wife's rapist/killer.
One of the best thrillers of the past several years. Nolan's direction takes what could've been an average film to it's fullest. The narrative pushes you into the eyes of the protagonist. The music is equally compelling, done by David Julyan, who also did the music for Following and Insomnia. The acting also flows with the film, especially with the three main actors.

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006