Originally Posted By: gangstereport

Berlin attack: Lorry driver suspect 'denies involvement'

looks like he is a refugee. Merkel is going to struggle to get relection this is going to hurt her badly she allowed over a million refugees to come in stupidity by merkel fucking Germans still feel guilty about the Nazis so feel they have to be accepting to everyone. Yes the migrant crisis was very sad but people have to be realistic Germany was not and now they have shot themselves in the foot.

I agree. I think Germany still has residual SS guilt. I also think that the European countries who denied entry to German and Polish jews in WW2 were trying to make amends and correct history with their policies regarding the current refugees.

No matter how bad the crisis is, there HAS to be a screening process when it comes to accepting large waves of immigrants.

Even if .001 percent of the people are criminals/terrorists, that's too much. Countries have their own homegrown lowlifes and problems to be able to deal with this terrorist bullshit.