Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
So I guess you rather have a Michael Bay or Antoine Fuqua or worse, Renny Harlin quick-pace ADD-fueled movie where there is an explosion every 15 minutes and oh ya, exposition for the sake of covering up many plot holes that the filmmakers didn't bother to explain naturally and organic.

Sorry if I'm being mean, but......
You seem to be missing the point of my reply. As I was watching the film Birds Eye View shots kept appearing of Max's traxi cab. Hopefully, every the audence members you mentioned know Max is in his Taxi cab driving around the city. We dont need more of these shots.

This movie needs to be more like The Core, explosions in every scene, absolutely no plot whatsoever, oh yeah, thats the stuff :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p
NOTE- Hopefully no one will take my last comment seriuosly.

If winners never lose, well, then a loser sure can sing the blues.