My God, two very disagreeble reviews of two movies that plain ROCK!

Really man, imagined if Antoine Fuqua(or "Fuckya" as some hating movie fan-friends know him as), who was going to helm this project before leaving to do that lame-ass KING ARTHUR, had done COLLATERAL. Fact is, COLLATERAL the original script is indeed a high-concept of a premise, but under any other mediocre filmmaker(like Fuqua) it would have been forgettable.

However, Mann, with all possible intellectual and artistic strength at his disposal, pulls off one of the best damn movies of 2004, and besides nabbing Jamie Foxx a Best Actor Oscar nod(sorry, but "Supporting Actor" Oscar crap my ass!) and Cruise, I would have picked him for Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Not to mention an Oscar to the film as well for Cinematography(which is memorable) and possibly for Editing as well. Not to mention maybe an Oscar nod for Best Director to Mann as well.

Now YOJIMBO.....I have no comment. I mean jesus christ, look at all those American/European movies that were based on this damn movie(from Leone's FISTFULL OF DOLLARS to Walter Hill's LAST MAN STANDING).