So Showgirls is one of the worst movies huh, ever heard of a little flick called Catwoman or here’s an idea go to Wal-Mart check out the bargain bin and buy a little movie called Boardheads. Then and only then shall you know the true depths of depravity that is the worst film ever. (Watch them back to back and an actual portal to hell opens at you feet)

Well someone sounds a bit elitist, and no not just for taking a stand on gratuitous nudity. You know if you see more of the lowly populist fare it would make you surefire classics even the more grand and meaningful. I just saw Closer as well and I found it tremendous, mostly for the performances I was just blown away by all four leads. Actually I agree with you as well on the nudity point. I mean she was playing a stripper in the setting of a strip club there is no reason to show nudity in that scene. To even think of objectifying a woman it that setting would just be totally ignorant. Although this film avoided it at least it didn’t do any of that contrived foreground blocking to hide the nudity, which I can only assume you would dislike as well for being the opposite of what you seem to like, where the artistic integrity seems compromised to fit in with our American/Puritan morals.
I’ll have to admit though that I do add a few points for good nude scenes. Hey I don’t really enter each movie looking for something that will be talked about for years to come. I’m not looking to place anything in the history book when I go see a movie; I go for entertainment (both shallow and deep). Especially when I’m talking to other people because most of the people I know don’t care about Seven Samurai being the blueprint for the Western Genre and so don’t care about homages and specific technique. Is it immature sure, but boobies do fill in plot gaps pretty nicely.

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