Don't call something you don't understand ridiculous , it's your inability to understand the truth because you lack knowledge ...they started the rackets , where do you think loanshark came from or "shy locking" ...Italians and any other criminal organizations were peasants compared to the Jews because they destroyed each other why the Jews built each other .... Meyer lansky??? Worth 400 million in 1960... ablut 2 billion today ... Find out where Steve Wynn got his start , ( Steve Weinstein ). Owns Wynn casinos.. Why do you think the FBi was created to go after the Italians... How many Jews went down for all their million dollar scams ? How do you think they own all the skyscrapers in every major city ??? Doctors only make 300k to maybe 700k a year ...same with lawyers ... They run wall st! The biggest racket of them all smile