Originally Posted By: getthesenets

I meant to write H.W. Bush and it was the Panama invasion that was used to get rid of the "wimp" tag.

The timing of the strike against the "chemical factory" by Clinton was, in my opinion, a diversion get his "sexual relations" out of the headlines. I tend to not believe that most of our military mistakes are the result of faulty intelligence. There have been too many instances of false reasons being given for military actions for me to believe them. I get the overall big picture that the actions are done to serve U.S. interests or to further a POTUS' agenda, but I just don't buy the standard excuses that are given years later.

As far as the brown people, I was talking about media coverage in general in that era. Bosnian atrocities were occurring roughly around same time as Rwandan atrocities. News media didn't care about Rwanda. Media didn't care about the lives affected by the bombing in Sudan either.


I was giving you the benefit of the doubt about story. After the Lewinsky story broke, there were timelines put together and a lot of them added up to Ms.Lewinsky being there around the time quite a few things were happening. Maybe you thought F1 was playing around, but the dates match up. Unless you were 18 and older at that time, it's a story you might have missed.
As far as getting over myself.....if the Raiders win the Superbowl I'll change my username to get over these nets(for a month), Giants win you put John Elway in broncos uniform as your avatar, deal?

You're such a nice fella GetNets.

Why don't don't you just put trolls on ignore.

It's fun, and it's easy.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."