
What's funny is that he's more offended by my use of "BJ" than the fact that it happened and that one of his favorite presidents may have actually killed people to cover up for his sexual infidelities.

On your other point, you may be correct, but I was just reporting the media narrative. The USA has involved itself in too many wars, and since the Korean War almost all of them have been unjustified, and a lot of American meddling has made the world a worse place. If Eisenhower hadn't let the CIA meddle in Iran in the 1950s we might not be dealing with an Ayatollah now.

The media claimed that Rwanda was covered less because there were fewer journalists there to cover it. Bosnia was probably an easier gig than Rwanda. It reminds me of this nurse I used to work with about 10 to 15 years ago. She was from Eritrea and really loved Bill Clinton. She didn't like W. We got into a conversation about Rwanda and Clinton's lack of concern for the Rwandan people, and she was pretty skeptical. I must be wrong about her favorite president. So one day I loaned her my DVD of the PBS documentary on Rwanda. After watching it she was devastated and hated Bill Clinton. It showed that there were many opportunities where at least some of the Tutsi victims could have been saved, but the Clinton administration's orders were to stay out of it and leave them behind. I don't know if you've ever seen it, but if you haven't you should. It's up on YouTube.