Originally Posted By: MrJustsayNo
And where are you from Mr Marcow? UK? Australia? Saudi Arabia? The suburbs? North Dakota? Its not my fault you have no clue what goes on ? The Mob is everywhere, its the truth ! You post on OC board and have no clue whatsoever ! What do you think the mob is ? It is,and was formed as an underground Secret society ! You think just because there's a few busts its DEAD,ITS ELIMINATED ? You have lots to learn ! And don't tell me shit,I've spent many years in prison just for some imbecile to tell me how it goes !!

And you're becoming a real pain-in-the-ass with your flaming remarks. You haven't been here even one month and you've already managed to get everyone riled up. Stop this crap NOW!! You won't be warned again.
