Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
[quote]Originally posted by goombah:
[b] I just watched "13 Days" with Kevin Costner. It's about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Very good but underrated film. The actor who portrayed JFK was excellent, as was Bobby Kennedy. The actor playing RFK is actually on "West Wing" now as the Republican Speaker of the House.
Goombah, I wanted to see that movie. I was young, but old enough to remember the tension of that time. Who played JFK, do you know?

TIS [/b][/quote]TIS
I'm glad someone else knew the answer about the JFK actor. Nevertheless he was very good. I recommend that you rent it. I think that this movie was a victim of Costner being stuck in the middle of a bunch of poor roles prior to this movie, so I don't think it faired well at the box office. But it gives the viewer of a very real perspective of the obstacles the Kennedy's faced by the military. And if you're a conspiracy buff, it certainly leaves open the reasons why the CIA/military could have had Kennedy killed.