It's so great to hear you say that Lauren8. As for me I FINALLY got to watch JFK with the commentary on tonight. I enjoyed it but not as much as I thought I would have and definitely not as much as watching it without the commentary. Not bad overall, but nothing "earth shattering" either. TIS, have you been to the Book Depository in Dallas? I went when I was younger and I'm gonna ask my mom if when my family comes down for my graduation in 8 weeks if they wanna go while they're here. Since watching JFK a lot recently, I'd really love to go back. If not with them (because they'll only be in town for like 4 full days), I'd like to ask an ex-teacher of mine who I've kept in contact with (although I haven't talked to him in a while).

BTW, has anyone seen Nixon? If so, how it is? How would you compare it with JFK?