Originally Posted By: gangstereport

Angela Merkel endorses burka ban 'wherever legally possible'

no surprise she has done this a year before the elections in Germany her power has really weakened since the migrant crisis her policy on refugees has really damaged her reputation not just in Germany worldwide even she has admitted it was a big mistake

most supported vulnerable refugees being allowd into the country but merkels policy meant 1 million people were allowed in last year Germany just cant cope and it has pissed a lot of German people of. I think this migrant crisis is seeing the end of the "German guilt" they all have in Germany ridiculous really there great grandfathers were Nazis not them why should they feel guilty

She thinks that will shut up the Germans. She better think again. The Germans get a Long with the Turks. Except most Turkish are poor except for the ones that own their own businesses.

I will take the Turkish in Germany over the white Germans. Oh to heat their apartments the Turkish use dirty coal.

only the unloved hate