Ugh, I hate Romeo+Juliet. The opening gun fight is laughable, as well as the rest of the movie. It was an interesting idea gone wrong, and so far the worst of the trilogy.

As for Heat, Michael Mann is one of my favorite directors. His visual style is great, and he brings more to crime movies. He added most of the good things to the screenplay of Collateral and made it the best action/thriller of the year (no, I'm not forgetting Man on Fire :p ). Rarely does an epic have a plot on cops and robbers. Michael Mann accomplished this very well. He added character depth, personal lives as well as professional, cinematography, and great dialogue. A masterpiece. The Insider is also a very great film, and often overlooked. I hope an SE of it comes out soon.

- (Fellini;1963;Italy) - ****
A director with a loss of creativity zones out in fantasies and flashbacks while trying to complete his next film.
The best film about filmmaking and one of the best ever. Fellini's second best and a very personal film. An excellent move, Fellini couldn't finish a movie, so he made this about the very experience, at least in part. Mastroianni is great in his title role, almost beating his previous Fellini role in La Dolce Vita. The visuals are top notch along with virtually everything else. There are some pacing problems later in the film but it is all pulled together in the final scene. Although it wasn't taken from this, the twist scene reminded me of Pulp Fiction.

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006