Originally Posted By: merlino
Originally Posted By: yatescj7
Originally Posted By: merlino
I could have sworn on a nat geo special they just had on that he paid his way out, or they were insinuating that, and because of fuel scam he had plenty to pay his way out after he plead guilty

Paid his way out of what Merlino? The mob?

Yes out of the mob, that is what they insinuated on the nat geo mob series that was replayed last weekend, I believe they asked him if he paid his way out and he didn't deny it nor confirm it

No, no, not at all. The mob would have made that offer, no doubt. But as soon as he gave them say 10 million, The Snake would've had him whacked anyway on principle. And Franzese was sharp anyways he would've known that it would be money down the drain. He wouldn't be dumb enough to fall for that. Franzese got away with it because he was in the right era. He stayed away from all the danger zones until the times eventually changed and he adapted with them.