Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Glad to know you speak for ALL non- U.S. citizens, GR. I guess that clears that up. lol.

oak no calls in the media no politicians no one i have spoken to has talked about being proud that you guys are redoing your votes in some states nor have i heard about your system being undemocratic until this election like i have said to you many times oak its your country who are we to judge how you elect your leaders i care about what you guys do to the rest of us because dying superpower or not you are still currently the most powerful nation in the world what the US actions effect everyone

the rest i said about the hatred is true you travel the world oak get peoples views on the US your deluded if you think the US is liked abroad you guys ruined the middle east leaving us to deal with the mess caused chaos in Asia in the Balkans in Africa helped fuck the economy i can give you a long list of examples if you want

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion