oak i can speak as a foreigner we don't think the election has been rigged and we do think you have democracy we just think the US is crazy place lol but that's not a new thing.

i don't like the US not the people living there but your leaders and government its your arrgroance which annoys me you guys have been bullies for a long time only difference between you and Russia is the US tries to pretend it has moral purposes while Russia and China is they don't try to hide they are scumbags. Obama came of at times as wanting do actually do some good for world but still dident like him better than bush Clinton trump but that's not saying much.

Anyway Russia are no longer a superpower they just pretend to be US is a dying superpower China will never be the superpower worldwide the west wont allow it not while China is a dictatorship they cant act how they do in China elsewhere in the world it will be Chinas eventual demise. So whos the future superpower it will be interesting if the EU does not break up it could become it i mean once the UK they can finally make there fucking EU army they want to be like the US the EU they want each country to be like states in the US i think they are secretly delighted the UK is leaving now they can do what they always wanted.

But if the EU does break up and it could potentially who knows what the world will look like in 20 years look at the problems it is facing if LePen wins in France it will change Europe forever if Renzi loses his referendum in Italy (and i think he will) there will be a new election five star movement i think will win then Italy could be the next to leave the EU it is very likely that will be the end of Italy it will spilt into pieces the North want Add to dictionary badly they don't like the south because of the poverty and crime which they bring to Italy. Spain will eventually collapse what they are doing to Catolan people is disguating 80% said they want to leave Spain but Madrid wont let them they know there is too much money in areas like Barcenlona but it will fall apart these sort of countries never work. Austria could be having a racist nutjob as there leader. Holland has a big anti EU feeling at the moment and Germany are seeing the rise of the AFD

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion