Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
I want to ask about these clubs with 2 chapters in a large city, How does that function? Does it make it easier for recruitment? Does both Presidents have equal authority or is one more a representative for the city?

Have to remember most chapters are only like 6-12 guys. In huge cities it just makes sense to have more than one chapter if the club is strong enough.

Areas are generally under a regional president or nomads. Regional president or whatever it may be called by the specific club, likely also the president of a chapter in a big city.

In HA lore the late 60's war between Oakland and frisco is legendary. Bargers charter was Oakland and the neighboring charter had a war with them just to give an idea how unruly it can be. There is no one size fits all. It's whatever works at that given time. Exceptions to every rule.

Last edited by alicecooper; 11/29/16 11:13 AM.