Team America World Police *** (1st Time)
2004, Parker, Ger/US
An anti-terrorist team recruit a famous actor to infiltrate an Arabic group in order to find the location of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
A puppet show presented in a deliberately crude way so that it is actually a technical triumph; the jokes are spread on so thick that nobody is safe, and it is all too knowing throughout of its own hilarious use of one cliché after another.

The Purple Rose of Cairo * (1st Time)
1984, Allen, US
In the thirties, an unhappily married woman falls in love with a film character, and then he ventures into the real world.
Patchy comedy, full of the director's typical nostalgia and embrace of filmgoing; but while Allen the director has never faltered, and Allen the writer may keep this going, Allen the actor isn't here, which fails to make it all that interesting. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?