That was some cutting and pasting man.

My dear departed best friend Donny had it made for a half a second. I told you about him we both stole together when we were kids.

He gets this girl pregnant. Her father owned a private sanitation company in Harlem. So he has to marry her. The would have been the best thing to ever happen to him. Instead the idiot gets hooked on junk. So he was still stealing then he steals from the wrong guy. That is when I first found out about his habit. He invites me over to his apartment. Gives me a gun and tells me if anyone comes to shoot them. What are friends for so I Point the gun at the door. While I am doing I see him shoot up. What a high he had he threw up all over his coach. That is how I found out he was using.

Then later the guy he robbed had him killed. That was the end of my friend Donny.

Moral of this story get a girl pregnant who's father has money in private sanitation marry her and be happy and don't do junk. smile

I did not cut and paste that I lived it.

only the unloved hate