I just saw Hitch last night with my friends and absolutely loved it! It was definitely a good Valentine's type movie, but I know I'd love it year-round. It's entertaining for couples, singles, gals and guys. It's a sensitive chick flick that females will love, (I certainly did! *sigh* ) and it's also got enough humor to keep guys interested...not to mention Eva Mendes holding your attention! (The gals had Will Smith, though. :p ) Will Smith plays Alex 'Hitch' Hitchens who basically has the job of Cupid, as he gives guys the tips and tricks of capturing their true love's heart. Kevin James plays one of his clients, and I enjoyed his part just as much as Smith's. I went with seven other people, and we were all satisfied and both the guys and girls of us truly loved it! Be sure to take a look at this one.