Originally Posted By: m2w
the strongest criminal groups in the states are mostly the domestic ones (italian mafia, bikers, black and latino gangs)
mexican cartels supply local gangs but i said they don't seem to control a specific territory, they have just some middleman linked with local gangs, they don't say dometic groups what to do, they jusy sell the drugs... it's like to say colombians are the strongest in mexico because they supply mexican cartels

This is really a bad comparison to what the Mexican cartels do in the U.S vs. the Colombian cartels(supply). For the most part, the Mexican cartels get their cocaine in Colombia from the Colombian cartels themselves, the Colombians don't traffic the cocaine to Mexico, the Mexican cartels do the trafficking since they control the trafficking routes out of Colombia and into Central American and Mexico(and the U.S). The Colombian now a days just produce the cocaine and just traffick it mainly to Europe, they are just suppliers(to Europe) and producers not distributors and wholesalers like in the 80s. The Mexicans are producers(heroin, meth and weed), traffickers, distributors and wholesalers. They basically control most of the distribution and wholesaling in the U.S and parts of Canada. They aren't just suppliers. Many gangs are linked to the cartels and some do hits for them. So they do have power on the streets via intimidation, kidnapping, murder or torture.

Last edited by SmearyGoose1768; 11/22/16 04:38 AM.