Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Trump promised to bring back good paying manufacturing jobs. Obama never did any such thing.

It is really sad what Trump did to these white voters in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio. It should be criminal. It might be the single biggest lie in the history of U.S. presidential campaigns, and it was bought hook, line and sinker. The loss of manufacturing jobs in these regions were devastating. To promise bringing them back is to tease a desperate, confused segment of the population. It's cruel. A false prophet and his desperate believers. That is the story of the Trump presidency, which will hopefully be a quick 4 years.

A false prophet? Promising Hope and Change to the American People with no real governing experience? Who are you talking about here Obama or Trump. It's the same really. You guys got roped in by Obama and name 3 things that he has done to bring about Hope and Change? We've been in the gutter for the last 8 years and a laughing stock to the rest of the world. Their cracking up thinking about how America is debating about males having the right to use females bathrooms. Y'all voted for Obama in 08 and 12. I didn't protest or burn the American flag or kneel for the National Anthem because I didn't get my may. Y'all voted for Obama, we have just as much right to be as stupid as y'all were and vote for Trump. You can only poke a bear so many times before you get mauled. "Insert picture of here of a ferocious looking Trump with Bear Claws"