Underground ** (1st Time)
1995, Kusturika, Fr/Ger/Hung
Two friends, both in love with the same woman, drift apart from World War II and the Yugoslav break-up in the 1990s.
An epic which explores many themes, using visual sensationalism to great effect, though its laughs and moments of brilliance are simply too few and far between to justify its length. Winner of the 1995 Palm d'Or.

Sideways ** (1st Time)
2004, Payne, US
A week before his friend's wedding, a worn out would-be novelist takes his friend on a wine-drinking orgy through California.
For the most part, an intelligent and superbly played comedy which is both evocative to look at and pleasing to watch; the biggest romance in the film is between script and wine.


...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?