Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
about secession, a lot of people miss understand the idea of secession, going back to the articles of federation, each state was separate, ruling themselves. this was the original intent of this nation. separate states. look at it today, some states the land the federal govt, owns is more than the state owns. how can you be a state when the govt owns a large percentage of your land.that led to the standoff in Nevada, a state should own ALL OF THEIR LAND. it all goes back to the civil war, after the war the north did not try jefferson davis on war crimes. because the south was RIGHT IN THEIR LEGAL ARGUMENT.. the 10th amendment does give the states the right to secede, worth remembering the states joined the union voluntarily, and they legally have the right to leave it.

Correct. Can you imagine, if the deal was "once you're in, you can never get out." Then none of the state's would've ever joined.