Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
It may not happen now, but at least more people will be aware of that idea and possibility.
There's no reason Texas should tell California what to do or vice versa, or New York tell Alabama what to do etc.
Why is one guy elected president over 300+million people? Why don't people question the absurdity? Washington DC governs California. Why?

I think you really do make a lot of sense. the united states is more like a continent, look at Canada, separate provinces. and why should 9 people [the supreme court] interpret laws to 320 million. giving states more rights would be a good start, if states vote to legalize pot, the government should let them alone. not send in feds to bust people. one day it will all come to a head, and the federal government will have to bend to the states. remember the states make the government. and together the states can break the government.

Saying something like "States Rights" in the South will get you branded as a racist. So will seceding from the Union.