I just got done watching my first anime and I really enjoyed it. It's entitled Samurai Champloo Volume 01 and it's about 2 sword fighters named Mugen and Jin and a ditzy waitress named Fuu. Mugen's a buck wild warrior - violent, thoughtless and womanizing. Jin is a vagrant ronin - mysterious, traditional, well-mannered and very strong as well. I only popped this in yesterday at my friend's house b/c it was lying around and I watched about half of the first episode and I liked it so I deciced to barrow it. I watched the first 2 episodes last night before I went to bed and I finished the other 2 just now. It sucks b/c the 4th episode ends with "To Be Continued..." and I have to wait until March 29 to watch Volume 02. But overall a good anime if anyone was interested.

PS-Anybody have a good anime recommendations?