Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I just saw Secret Window last night on HBO. Has anyone else seen it? I thought it was pretty good, mostly because of Johnny Depp's performance. He is really an excellent actor IMHO.

TIS, I went with my mom to see Secret Window in the theaters when it first came out, and we loved it! I don't remember a lot of the details, as that was a while back, and I haven't seen it since. However, I know we both enjoyed it, for the movie itself even, not just because Johnny was in it. I loved the way John Turturro's character of Shooter spoke...I was imitating that voice for weeks after I saw it! I really need to rent that! Since you are a Depp fan, which other movies of his have you seen?

EDIT: I changed my post...I originally mentioned that Turturro's character was Mr. Rainey, but I was thinking of him speaking to Depp, who was actually Rainey. Shows how long it's been since I've seen it.