Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
There is absolutely no evidence that the media is "overwhelmingly biased towards the left". None. It's an oft repeated theory on the right that has little to no basis. In fact, when you consider the ownership of the media, there is more evidence that the media leans right than there is that it leans left.

So, your argument that two newspapers "concluded" that Bush would have won Florida has absolutely no merit. The votes weren't counted. Nobody will ever know. And, the movie "Recount" is a very accurate portrayal of the events surrounding that election. I highly recommend it.

"Absolutely no evidence..." That's funny from someone who gets all his news from social media and makes absolute statements out of pure ignorance.

Have you read this? https://books.google.com/books/about/The_media_elite.html?id=b-VoAAAAIAAJ

How about this? http://qje.oxfordjournals.org/content/120/4/1191.short

Here's another: http://archive.mrc.org/biasbasics/biasbasics3.asp

Then after you falsely claim that there's no Left-wing bias in the media you toss the old canard about "corporate bias", as if corporate bias is somehow Right-wing. Aside from Rupert Murdoch you're not going to find any Right-wing bias. The owners of ABC News, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, MTV, the Comedy Channel, CNBC and CNN, as well as papers like the New York Times, Washington Post, etc., are all on the political LEFT. Yes, there's corporate bias -- Left-wing corporate bias. Look at the news hosts: Chuck Todd, Chris Matthews, George Stephanopolous, etc. -- they all worked for DEMOCRATS before working in the media.

Then you use your series of bogus claims as a refutation of the investigations done by the Washington Post and Miami Herald, which it does nothing of the kind. Then you assert what they did has no merit although it's clear that you haven't read what they wrote and you're probably ignorant about it and wouldn't even be aware of those studies had I not mentioned them.

Take the red pill and get out of the Matrix.