Pi ** (1st Time)
1997, Aronofsky, US
In searching for a sequence which will explain the universe, a mathematical genius becomes increasingly paranoid.
Original thriller with an overwhelming visual style; less about explaining itself than exploring obsessive paranoia within a society with which one feels increasingly at odds.

Fanny and Alexander [300-minute version] **** (1st Time)
1982, Bergman, Swe/Fr/WGer
In 1907, a well-to-do Uppsala family celebrates Christmas. Soon after, one of the sons die, and his family fall apart when a puritan Bishop marries the widow.
A 300 minute tour de force of directing, cinematography and production design, with Bergman revisiting all of his major themes of past work for an absolutely majestic piece of period filmmaking.

In the Mood For Love *** (1st Time)
2000, Kar-wai, HK
In 1960s Hong Kong, two lonely neighbours, both in redundant marriages, fall in love but manage to restrain their passions.
A visual triumph that seems more in love with cinema and its language than the relationship it depicts. Inspiring to look at, and with a strong sense of regretful nostalgia to its tone.


...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?