Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
It's also possible that while the electoral college was created to give sparsely populated areas the same voice as densely populated areas, at some point the system began to be manipulated by political forces just looking to maintain white male christian dominance of the national agenda.

Uh, no. You might actually want to read what the Constitution says and its explanation in Federalist 39 of the Federalist Papers before pulling "facts" out of the air. As myself and others wrote, the House of Representatives gives voice based on population, and the Senate and the Electoral College give fair voice to states. Otherwise, only the most populated states like California, Texas, Florida, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania -- but mostly California -- would dictate control of the country. The less populated states would have no say whatsoever in how a president is elected. If states weren't given fair participation in the federal process they wouldn't have been motivated to form the United States in the first place.

To make matters worse, since the amount of federal members of the House of Representatives is based on population, California and other Democratic Party-controlled states encourage undocumented immigrants to move to their states. Yes, illegal immigrants are counted in the census. If California lost its illegal population it would lose representatives in the House.